The L.A. Zoo recently partnered with the Orianne Society, a conservation organization dedicated to preserving endangered reptiles and amphibians within specific habitats. In particular, the Zoo supports, through funding, the Society’s Mesoamerican Project, which focuses on tropical habitats across Central America, specifically in Costa Rica and Panama. The focal species for this area are the black-headed bushmaster and the Central American bushmaster. The goal is to better understand the overall conservation status and habitat needs of these species. This is accomplished by conducting field surveys, educating local communities, and working with local residents to assist in these studies.
To help raise funds for this project (as well as others) the Society offers a variety of eye-catching T-shirts online. More information about the Orianne Society and how you can help can be found at
Be sure to stop by the LAIR to view the Zoo’s awesome bushmasters on display!